Week 14: Developing Online Advertising

This is an example of ads I would use for my social media accounts for Cousha Coffee. I feel that these would be effective because although they are basic in nature, they let new customers know about my store and how and where they can visit. In addition, when it comes to advertising for your store there is usually an objective that guides it. This can range from any kind of call to action or it can be used to update, to influence or to remind customers about your store and products. When it comes to these objectives, I think it would be most useful to inform customers about my products and what my business is all about because it is brand new and people know nothing about it. I think I could use multiple objectives for my business as it grows and gains popularity. An example of this would using an advertising campaign to influence customers that visit other coffee shops and explain to them why mine is a product they should try as well. I also would...