Week 11A: Email Marketing

            Newsletters and emails in general can be a great way to keep in touch with current customers, as well as cater to new ones. One aspect of them is how often they are sent out, which is extremely important. It’s key to find a balance on how many emails to send because you don’t want to turn your customers off or have your emails get lost in a messy inbox but you also want to remind them of the things going on with your company enough so that they have you in their mind often. I personally think sending one newsletter a week is acceptable with the addition of occasionally adding in extra emails to let the customers know about last minute deals or subscriptions. This way you don’t flood them with excessive information but also keep them in the loop.
            In addition to this, the content and the aesthetic of the newsletters are other aspects that are essential when composing and sending emails. I think grabbing the attention of your customers with the look to draw them in is most important, followed by interesting content to keep them coming back and reading. One type of content could be sales and discounts you have going on for people who give their email and sign up to be a member. This would give them incentive to spend money and visit more often. Another type of content could be pictures of how the store is decorated and explaining small events that are happening in the future. For me personally, I will decorate my store every month to match the holiday or season and schedule tiny music acts and artistic presentations. One final example of content for the newsletters could including a story about something happening with a regular customer or just in the city North Park to help customers get invested in the store and community together. All of these things contribute to creating a great newsletter for your business and keep all of your customers in love with your store or business.

Till next time...x


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