
Showing posts from September, 2019

Week 5B: Target Market

I am pleased to announce and introduce you to a made up company Cousha Café, my privately owned and operated coffee shop and café. The location will be open up in North Park of San Diego, California. Identifying the location of this store will help outline the target market for it. North Park has a reasonably diverse population with a large percentage of young adults from their early 20s to their late 30s with the median age being 35 years old. I want to advertise specifically to this age range of people while at the same time reaching out further to people of all ages, races, genders and backgrounds. By doing more research on the exact demographics of the population there, I will be able to further analyze and compile data on how to cater to my target audience. This will help me create a target market report with a specific plan for advertising. I will do the majority of my advertising on social media. Once I have created the target market report, I will create projec...

Week 5A: Website Observations

While both of these companies are sandwich shops, there are differences both big and small between them that set their web pages apart. Subway is known for its green and yellow logo and those are displayed prominently on their site. They also go beyond selling food by advertising for 3 rd party apps and showing where the ingredients for their products come from. Another observation is that Subway’s website is much larger and has more options to navigate for customers everywhere all over the United States. Hungry Bear is a smaller independently owned restaurant that looks to cater more to local residents. Their website is more simple and displays the menu on the home page. Another clue to their demographic is how they advertise their social media links and encourage customers to post their experience to get their company’s name out there.                       ...

Week 4B

1) Zillow|65545421228|aud-352785740844:kwd-570802407|341300016937|&semQue=null&k_clickid=_kenshoo_clickid_&gclid=CjwKCAjwq4fsBRBnEiwANTahcIRJBfcOG_niC0-4A_SaR-mV0WTG6EscF2OeAjReBkD7kZnC9wiiGRoCPUEQAvD_BwE Zillow is a platform that allows you to monitor property values as well as property for purchase. Zillow has an app along with a full functioning website. This is more useful than other platforms cause it seems to have more accurate and up to date information. Zillow has developed a good layout for how they have there maps set up. There map allows you to break down many factors when it comes to looking at properties and areas. Another bonus to this platform is that its multi facetted and can be used for buyers, seller, and investors. I keep coming back to this site because it has helped me with the process of moving multiple times. One things that I feel like they could change is ...

Week 4A: Aesthetics, Design and Branding

In 2019, image is everything. It is not only how you present yourself to the world but also how the world views your worth. While this is ridiculous and leads to unnecessary vanity, it is reality and it is important to put the best version of one’s self out there for other people to see. The place where all of this advertising exists is the Internet and on it is a wide spectrum of personal content that can either be good, bad or ugly. One of the websites that falls under the ugly category is “”. One of the worst parts of it that sticks out the most is the name itself “Gates N Fences”. It is generic and does nothing to grab the visitor’s attention or cling to memory. The next problem is that although there is contrast throughout the website it’s more abrasive than attracting. Lastly is that the website is hard to navigate because of the disorganized categories on the left side of the page. In order to fix this website, it would almost need to be completely ...

Week 3B:

Skin by Winnie Skin by Winnie is the name of my esthetician’s business, which I mentioned in my last blog post. Jessica (my esthetician) has opted out of the traditional website and gone for a more minimalist approach. Jessica has a website,but not exactly what you'd imagine, her website is extremely simplistic and maine focus is on booking and contact. The majority of her business is promoted through Instagram. Jessica’s Instagram has a link to her website along with tabs for reviews. I really love the way she has her Instagram page layed out, its practical and has a great aesthetically appealing flow to it. Her last post was a week ago, but post on her story almost everyday.    La Lady Nails               @laladynails  La Lady Nails is a specialized nail salon that I currently follow on Instagram. Similar to Skin by Winnie ’s  business man...

Week 3A: Communication Between Businesses and Customers

We are currently at a point of no return; social media will be with us for the rest for all of our lives. As social media expands so does its possibilities. The endless possibilities that come along with today's social media are not limited to just personally use, with this expansion come opportunity for business.  We all are aware of just how rapidly social media is expanding, but the question begging to be asked is,Is it beneficial to the consumer? Does social media make it easier to get noticed or have your problem solved? To be honest with you all, this truly depends on the company or business you are using. I’d like to think for the most part social media doesmaked it easier for your problem to be solved. I feel like when a business has a public platform such as a social media account there is some room for transparency. Most companies rely on the imagine and relationship they build with their customers, so it's important for them to keep up appearances. When it comes...

Week 2B: Blogs I commented on

Blogs that have commented on :