Week 3A: Communication Between Businesses and Customers
We are currently at a point of no return; social media will be with us for the rest for all of our lives. As social media expands so does its possibilities. The endless possibilities that come along with today's social media are not limited to just personally use, with this expansion come opportunity for business.
We all are aware of just how rapidly social media is expanding, but the question begging to be asked is,Is it beneficial to the consumer? Does social media make it easier to get noticed or have your problem solved? To be honest with you all, this truly depends on the company or business you are using. I’d like to think for the most part social media doesmaked it easier for your problem to be solved. I feel like when a business has a public platform such as a social media account there is some room for transparency. Most companies rely on the imagine and relationship they build with their customers, so it's important for them to keep up appearances.
When it comes to doing anything tedious or daunting I tend to procrastinate, the same holds true to contacting companies. I don't even want to put myself in a situation where I may have to be put on hold for hours, so I avoid it at all costs. Although, I did happen to find my esthetician on Instagram. I really can’t remember how I stumbled across her page, but i'm glad i did. I went out of my way to direct message my esthetician prior to booking an appointment with her to ask her about her services. The online experience I had with her was so easy and enjoyable i felt comfortable booking with her.
If my business was on social media I would make it my goal to ensure that everyone walked away with the best experience I could provide. I would want to be very transparent with my customers about the service I am providing so all comments , whether they were negative or positive would be encouraged. For the negative comments I would obviously take more effort acknowledge the comment to ensure a better outcome for the customer. First, I would reply to the entitle comment publicly. Then, I would follow up with a direct message to personally try to fix the issue. I would do my best to fix the issue and see what was necessary to do depending on the problem at hand.
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