Week 3B:
- Skin by Winnie
Skin by Winnie is the name of my esthetician’s business, which I mentioned in my last blog post. Jessica (my esthetician) has opted out of the traditional website and gone for a more minimalist approach. Jessica has a website,but not exactly what you'd imagine, her website is extremely simplistic and maine focus is on booking and contact. The majority of her business is promoted through Instagram. Jessica’s Instagram has a link to her website along with tabs for reviews. I really love the way she has her Instagram page layed out, its practical and has a great aesthetically appealing flow to it. Her last post was a week ago, but post on her story almost everyday.
- La Lady Nails
La Lady Nails is a specialized nail salon that I currently follow on Instagram. Similar to Skin by Winnie’s business managing techniques, the majority of her promotion is done on Instagram. Riley Miranda is the owner of La Lady nails and she doesn't have a website, but instead uses a third party website called Vagaro for her bookings. While I personally don't mind the lack of website I know to some this may be considered a con when it comes to business promotion. Although she is lacking an official website she is using Vagaro for bookings and service listings. I feel like her lay out is easy to navigate and gets the point across. Her last official post was 5 days ago, but she posts on her story everyday.
- Danielle Foster
Danielle Foster is a close friend of mine that is currently navigating through the work of business promotion via online. Danielle originally started out with just an Instagram page and quickly expanded to an etsy and website as well. Over time Danielle has adjusted to just promoting her business through her website and Instagram. Danielle has done a good job making all of her accounts intertwined with each other. Danielles last Instagram post was yesterday.
4. Color Mi Vino
Color Mi Vino is a local wine and painting studio by my house. Color Mi Vino as ideally check all the boxes when it comes to online promotions, they have Facebook, Instagram, and website. Although this is a great business concept the online management is seriously lacking. When you visit their social media pages it just feels outdated as if it was run by my mom.I think the problem lies in the lay out and the fact that they haven't really narrowed in on an aesthetic for their pages. Their most recent post on Instagram was yesterday.
5. Hair by Paige, INC.
This is a small business owned by my hairdresser Paige. ( is the name of the business didn't already give it away) Like many of the other small business owner’s that I’ve taken a look at this evening paige doesn't have a website. As I went through these professionals that I use regularly and began to notice the trend of no websites I can't help but ask, are websites becoming obsolete? Unlike the other business paige doesn't have any other form of social media outside of her Instagram. I would have normally thought that the lack of social media would hinder a business nowadays, but to the contrary Paige’s is thriving. Paige’s business is doing so well she is currently not accepting new clients. Despite the fact that she doesn't have multiple platforms she's operates through she is very active on the one she does have. Paige even tends to share personal content on her business page which, oddly enough makes it more inviting. Paige’s last post was two days ago.
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