Week 9A: Twitter - Sharing Your Thoughts in 140 Words or Less

This week’s blog post is all about Twitter and how it can be one of the most sneaky useful tools for building your business profile and reaching customers you would have no other way of reaching. After creating my Twitter account, I searched through different profiles to discover which ones would make the best connections. Because my business is a café/coffee shop based in San Diego, it should not come as a surprise that the main words used in my search for connections were “coffee”, “San Diego”, “café” and “coffee shops”. In order to find my target audience, I had to use a combination of these words individually and together but had no problem finding popular coffee shops and other successful business accounts through advanced search. There are a few popular coffee chains that are unique to North Park.
After searching for these connections, I made to lists to help even further. The first list I created was specifically for the coffee shops and cafes in North Park and other parts of San Diego to get ideas and promote my shop by following their followers. The other list I created consisted of different popular businesses and institutions in San Diego as well. Again this list allowed me to find connections through the people that follow these accounts. By creating these lists, I was able to separate specific ideas for my coffee shop and ideas as a privately owned business and producer for the city of San Diego.
To reach these followers, I posted my own tweets at different times of the day. I did a little research and found out that the early morning, between 12-1pm and between 5-6pm are the best times to post tweets because that when people are either done with or taking a break from work and possibly looking at their phones for a place to eat or visit. I am hoping that these times are best to tweet but experimenting at different times is definitely something I will do in the future as well.

Till next time…x


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